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6 month baby found dead in a polytank

6 month baby found dead in a polytank


THE Nkurakan community in Yilo Krobo Municipality of the Eastern Region has been thrown into a state of shock after a six-month-old baby was found dead in a Polytank filled with water at a construction site.

It’s unclear as to how the incident occurred but reports said the mother of the deceased left the baby in the custody of other children to fetch water.

Upon her return, the children told her a man came around and picked up the baby.

The baby was later found drowned in a Polytank erected about 8 feet tall above ground level the following day.

A ladder was used to climb the Polytank to get inside to retrieve the body.

The body has since been deposited at the morgue of the Regional hospital by Police to aid an investigation.

Meanwhile the Police has not yet arrested anyone in connection with the incident.

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